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Need Assistance? Call Us Today! 727-600-9193

We help our clients live independent lives in the place they are most familiar with.

Minority couple at their homeCertified Care Sources, Inc. is here to make sure your loved ones remain as independent and safe at home as possible. With our supported living coaches, they will be able to continue leading a normal life with suitable training and assistance. Your loved ones will have someone who can assist them with household affairs and who can also help them find employment.

We can help with the following:
  • Managing money and paying bills
  • Cooking diet-appropriate meals
  • Supported employment
  • Teaching new skills to enable independence
  • Managing medication
  • And more

Set an appointment to discuss your loved ones’ needs with one of our representatives. For more information about our supported living service or supported living coaches, you may call us at 727-600-9193.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve and protect vulnerable adults by providing them with supportive living and personal support services. [About Us]

Pretty nurse and male patient looking at camera in park