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Find out more about our company and why we are passionate about serving.
Our Mission Statement

To serve and protect vulnerable adults by providing them with supportive living and personal support services.

About Certified Care Sources, Inc.

Senior husband visiting his disabled wifeWhile working in the law enforcement industry, our founder investigated many cases of abuse of the elderly and disabled. Emboldened by the need to do something about this serious issue, they established Certified Care Sources, Inc. in 2015 in order to serve and protect vulnerable adults.

Certified Care Sources, Inc. offers supportive living and personal support services to anyone who is in need of non-medical home care services. We aim to help our clients enhance the overall quality of their lives by providing them with assistance, guidance, and compassionate care. Our biggest strength is our founder’s background in law enforcement. With their background, our company is able to bring our clients and their families peace of mind.

For more information about our company, you may call us at 727-600-9193.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to serve and protect vulnerable adults by providing them with supportive living and personal support services. [About Us]

Pretty nurse and male patient looking at camera in park